Laser Cutting & Welding

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Metalwork & Technology

Laser Cutting

Laser cutting sheet metal is a transformative technology that uses a focused beam of light to precisely cut intricate designs and shapes into metal sheets. This advanced fabrication technique offers unparalleled accuracy and efficiency, making it a valuable tool for a wide range of industries.

The process begins with a digital design file that outlines the desired cuts and guides the concentrated laser beam. As the laser interacts with the metal surface, it delivers intense heat, causing the material to melt or vaporize along the cut resulting in a clean, narrow kerf (cut width).

The precision offered by laser welding makes it perfect for creating complex designs with intricate features. We can laser cut a variety of sheet metal thicknesses and materials. The focused heat minimizes material distortion, resulting in a strong finished product with clean edges.

Laser Welding

Much like laser cutting, laser welding uses a concentrated beam of light to precisely join metal parts. This intense heat source vaporizes metal at the seam, creating an exceptionally strong hermetic bond with minimal heat distortion.

Unlike traditional welding methods, laser welding offers narrow, clean welds ideal for thin sheets, intricate components, and applications demanding both precision and aesthetics. Its versatility allows joining various metals, making it a preferred method for industries requiring robust, seamless metalwork.

man laser welding a piece of metal with welding helmet on